
Hi, friends! We’re your hosts, Melia and Gillian, sisters who grew up in California but now live 5,000 miles apart – in Barcelona, Spain and Jackson, Mississippi. Our day-to-day lives look different, but we’re both always looking for ways to be happier and more fulfilled.

We’ve spent years learning about best practices for mindful, creative living from books, workshops, podcasts, and therapists. But there’s a big difference between what we know is good for us and what we actually do. If that sounds familiar, we are right there with you!

We chose the name Semi-Together for its double meaning: we try to stay close even though we live far apart, and at any given moment, something in life is going well, while something else is a bit of a mess.

In each episode, we:

  • Discuss a different theme related to personal development
  • Break down current research on the topic
  • Test evidence-based strategies for practicing healthy habits and reaching goals
  • Share tips and lessons learned (often the hard way)

We want to get to know you! Drop us a line at podcast [at] semitogether.com and tell us which parts of the podcast resonate with you, and what you’d like to hear in the future.

You can also find us here:

Follow us @semitogether and subscribe to our occasional e-news with a roundup of tips from the pod, extras, and music/food/books/other stuff we’re loving right now.

Melia: Follow Melia at @risingspiral and Rising Spiral Coaching, her 1:1 virtual coaching practice for adults with ADHD.

Gill: Follow Gill at @travelingtotaste and find cocktail-themed flair at Tipsy Per Tutti.